Friday, June 29, 2007

20 Weeks Old

Major milestone today!!! Mom and I were at a store and a lady actually looked at me and said "He's so big! How old is he?" When Mom told her about 4.5 months, she said "Wow! He's really big for his age! He's much bigger than my baby!"

Now, truth be told, I'm not big for my age. That lady must have had quite the runt. But to have someone comment on my size and it not be about how tiny I am was vey refreshing!

I have been sleeping very well at night. But the late afternoon nap that I take is not going so well. One time, Mom let me skip it and that didn't go too well either, so even if I cry the whole time, I still go in my bed for at least 30 min. If nothing else, I release a little tension.

I roll on my side now and suck on my hands. No new news on tummy time to report--still hate it.

Warmest regards,

Asher Owen Rives
Baby Extraordinaire

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