Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Week 28!

I could probably stop listing my age in weeks, but I like to be accurate. I guess 6 1/2 months would work too though.

I got to eat some veggies this week! Mom made me some carrots and they were delicious! She thought I might be a little confused by the new taste and texture, but when you've been living on rice cereal and formula, you welcome the change. I'm told that if the carrot thing continues to go well, I can look forward to some butternut squash next! I can't wait! (By the way, the blue trim you see in the background is not actually trim, but painter's tape. Mom will post about that saga on her blog soon.)

I'm sitting up pretty good now, too (with the help of the Boppy!) I also can roll from my tummy to my back but I just don't want to. So there.

I am super happy most of the time. I get really excited and open my mouth really wide and smile really big! I am an excellent nap-taker as well. I get in 2 good 1-2 hour naps each day, as well as a little 30-45 minute cat nap before dinner. I sleep through the night, usually requiring one flip around 4. But I go right back to sleep until 7, so Mom doesn't mind.

And I have tasty toes which I love to chew on.

That about does it for this week! Catch ya later--A

Sunday, August 12, 2007

6 Months and Slackin' Off

Sorry I haven't updated in a while...I'm a busy guy though. I just turned 6 months so you can only imagine how little time I have these days. But here are the current goings-on for those interested...

--The rice cereal is packing on the pounds! I'm a serious chunk of baby lovin'.

--I am kinda sitting up...if I can put my hands in front of me for support.

--I am offically in 6-9 month clothing.

--I am Mr. Smiley Guy now. I love to smile at everyone and know just how to turn on the ol' Rives charm and really work a room.

--I scoot around on my back to get where I want to go, although most of the time, I am content to just lay there and let the people come to me. Why tire myself?

--My mom promised that I will get to start veggies this week. I'll let you know how that goes.

--I am no longer in my infant carrier. That's right folks--I am in a big boy car seat now. It's not quite as comfortable to sleep in, but the view while I am awake is incredible! I can see so much more now! I was getting way to heavy for Mom and she could hardly lug me around in that carrier anymore. Plus, my feet almost hung over the side of it, so it was time to move on.

--I love to give kisses to Mom and Dad! They love to get them, too! They are always rubbing them in because they are so sweet!

That's all for now!

my best to you all,