Wednesday, May 23, 2007

15 Weeks Old!

Here's what's happening in my world these days...

--I'm starting to hold my head up better. I practice by sitting in my Bumbo. I still won't pick it up when I'm on my tummy though.

--I sleep from about 7:15 to 9:30 and then Mom wakes me up and feeds me again. Then I go right back to sleep until about 3:30. 6 hours! Then I go back to sleep until about 6:30. Then I wake up about 8:00 ready for the day!

--I drool a lot and I like to blow spit bubbles.

--I'm starting to talk a little bit. I have a lot to say, but it's just hard to get it all out!

That's all for now. I gotta go eat.

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