Thursday, May 17, 2007

Week 14 Stats

--I currently weigh a little over 11 lbs. So in 14 weeks, I have gained almost 7 lbs! Not bad!

--I can hold my head up a little, but i still don't pick it up when mom makes me do "tummy time." (I hate tummy time--what a waste.)

--My mom is supplementing with formula. She feeds me and then gives me a bottle. I like the soy formula that I get now better than the milk-based stuff...much easier on the ol' digestive system!

--I am sleeping about 4-5 hours at at time at night. But no matter what time my second feeding is at night, I wake up at 7:30 sharp! Last night, I ate at 7:45, went to bed at 8:30, woke up to eat at 1:30 and then again at 5:30. So I should have slept until at least 8:30 or 9:00, right? Nope. 7:30 is when I like to wake up regardless of feeding time!

--I wear 0-3 month clothes, most of which are still a little big. But that's OK--at least I'm out of those dumb preemie clothes!

--I'm adorable.

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