Wednesday, July 11, 2007

22 Weeks Old

Instead of posting pictures of me, I wanted you to see the other baby that lives at our house.

I only see him when I go in to the bathroom--kinda weird, right? He's always there when I take baths. And it might just be me, but I think he's the cutest baby I've ever seen! Maybe even as cute as I am!

This is one Mom took of me on Sunday night. I started out on my wedge, but I'm a little wiggle worm, so I rarely stay on it very long.

This was my attempt at rolling over. I'm just not that into it.

I've had a pretty busy week so far. On Monday, Mom took me to the doctor. Here are my current stats: height--23.5 in. (although Mom says the nurse didn't really do a very precise job of measuring me), weight--15 lb. 7 oz., head circumference--17.5 inches. She said I looked healthy and happy, which I find myself to be both! Then I went over to Josiah's to play. Then, on Tuesday, I had lunch with Aunt Renae and Aunt Kristen. They brought me a super cool stuffed animal from Disneyworld that matches my room. I really like it. Later that day, I got to meet some new friends of Daddy's, the Aragons. We played over there all day. And then today, I had lunch with Daddy and Pastor Mark (and Mom, of course...I take her everywhere with me!) And finally, we went to Lillian's house for a baby shower. I think Lilly is pretty cute, but I'm not sure if she is into younger men.

But I've been sleeping great (you're welcome, Mom) and eating great and just lovin' life.

Oh yeah--I turned 5 months old on Saturday! I'm old. I know.

Yours truly,
A.O. Rives


mkm said...

Regarding the pics of Asher in the mirror: you may not be into DVDs for babies, but Sesame Street has one and there's this cute, sweet song, "Who's that Baby looking in the mirror?....who's that baby looking at you..who's that baby looking in the mirror? That baby is looking at you!" Well, too bad I can't sing it too you! haha. Cute, cute, cute pics! love, m

Jamie said...

how cute! I haven't heard that one!

Have you moved yet, Miranda?