Wednesday, July 18, 2007

23 Weeks Old

Where to begin? Busy week...BUSY WEEK!

For starters, I rolled over from my back to my tummy. Total accident. Will not be making that mistake twice. I ended up face down on my playmat. I don't know if you've ever been face down on a playmat, but it's not pleasant. I made no attempt to lift my head either. Just laid there, freaking out. Then Mom rescued me! I love that about her!

I also tried rice cereal for the first time. I ate it from one of those spoons out of one of those bowl things. Mom decided since I am eating SO much that maybe we should start practicing a little. I don't get very much in and I'm not sure about the lack of sucking involved, but I just may grow to like it. Mom took video so when Dad gets the cord we need to put it on You Tube, we'll share it.

But wait! There's more!

Steven let me borrow his Exersaucer. I like to hang out it for a little while. Who knew my legs were so strong! It's a lot of fun!

I also rode in the shopping cart at Target today! I am so not into reclining anymore! There is a big world out there that cannot be properly viewed at a 45 degree angle! I need to be upright! So Mom let me try it out today and I loved it! She was a little surprised I did so well, but I wasn't. I knew I had it in me.

I went swimming for the first time this past week, too! It was way fun and I can't wait to do it again!

I still love sleeping with Dumbo on my head. If you look closely, you will notice something missing from my bed. That's right...that dumb wedge is gone!! I hated it, but Mom didn't realize that until just a few days ago. Now I hardly cry at all when I go down for naps because I don't have to waste so much time working my way off of it.

That's all for this week!

Asher Rives

P.S. Happy 25th Birthday, Aunt Kristen ;)

1 comment:

the kirkseys said...


I'm pretty sure your mom is happy about you sitting up in the cart too! Those heavy carriers (with heavy cargo) are no fun to haul around at your age. My mom sure hated it when I was at that transitional stage (yeah, I know. It's a big word for a 15-month old. But I'm smart like that) and was still in the carrier. Glad you are loving life : ) You should come over and hang out at my crib sometime. You could play in my exersaucer while I spin you around in it. What fun!!!
