Thursday, July 26, 2007

24 Weeks Old

Here's what I'm up to this week:

--I am rolling over from my back to my tummy all the time now. That is the fun part.

--I end up on my tummy. That is the not fun part.

--I now wake up during the night about 2 or 3 times because I have rolled over in my sleep and can't get back to my back. So I freak out until Mom comes in and flips me back over.

--I used to sleep until about 7:30, but my new wake time is around 5:30. This is not including the "needing to be flipped" wake times.

--Strangly enough, I now take 2 hous naps during the day. They used to be about 45 min. I like to keep them guessing!

--I am now on a 4 hour eating schedule and am quite content with that.

--I eat rice cereal now. It's weird...but good.

--I laugh when Mom tickles me! She thinks it's hilarious so she keeps doing it.

--I am just about out of my 3-6 month outfits!

Peace and love,

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